I’ve started a grow op in my office. For vegetables. The only problem is that I’ve now overwatered by seedlings and it smells like “jungle” all upstairs. Also, the humidity is a bit high so it kinda feels like I’m in a rainforest. Except that instead of trees it’s 30 tomato plants.
Why so many tomato plants you may ask. Well… I don’t actually have a good reason. I mean, I’m telling myself it’s in case we do a community garden near my place and then I can just be like the tomato farie and give everyone a tomato plant. Don’t worry I’ve also got peas, peppers, Spagetti squash, acorn squash, butternut squash, watermelons, sunflowers. I’ve also got a few flowers, mostly Morning glories and coleus.
I’ve still got 72 empty cells so I’m going to see what else I can grow. Any suggestions?