I think part of why I don’t write blog posts is that often I don’t have the answer.
I don’t have a good way to finish the post.
It’s just a ramble of thoughts and ideas with no conclusion.
Perhaps that’s useful…
I think part of why I don’t write blog posts is that often I don’t have the answer.
I don’t have a good way to finish the post.
It’s just a ramble of thoughts and ideas with no conclusion.
Perhaps that’s useful…
If I had a bitcoin for every blog post I started but didn’t know how to finish…
The funny thing is that I think blogging as a medium is perfectly suited to share more unpolished thoughts, especially if everyone involved knows that’s where expectations are. In theory, I’d much rather have a flawed or incomplete post go up and generate some comments that challenge or inform my thinking, than to have a perfectly refined post go out without any reaction whatsoever.
Keep it up!
You say that, but I’ve read your blog posts and they are pretty amazing
I appreciate that, but know that my perfectionism holds me back in writing more than it helps me. I’m hoping to change that, so it’s good to follow your example.
What’s your writing goal?